Social Cognitive Theory

2137 words 9 pages
Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory (SCT), is defined as a cognitively oriented learning theory that emphasizes observational learning in determining of behavior. SCT is a stem from the social learning theory (SLT), with a back round dating back to the late 1800’s.2 Bandura presented the SCT with his book: Social Foundation of thought and action: A social Cognitive Theory.2 SCT has shown children acquire much information through observational learning. Bandura focuses on: Observational Learning, Reciprocal Determinism, and Self-Efficacy.
Observational Learning. Bandura says one of the ways we learn is through observing others. This can be through a parent, teacher, another child, or a character on television. This type of learning is
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I guess because most of their interactions was before she had me, or when I was small, so they really do not know who I am, and I like it that way. But if there were more people around while I was growing up, I may not be so antisocial. Bandura’s ideas about low self-efficacy would define my social development.
Physical Development
This has been a issue form the forth grade to the age of about sixteen years old. I have
always been tall and skinny, and when my friends developed, I didn’t. My Mom was the same until she had me, and always reassured me when I had a baby, I would develop as well. It was hard in school because kids pick, and can be very mean, but my Mom always made me feel better. Then I had my son, and nothing happened! I was okay though, and never really remembered till after he was born and they still where not there. This was because when I was in the seventh grade, I decided to fill my bra (embarrassing to say). I received positive reinforcement, But when that was taken away (literally, someone grabbed it), it was devastating, so much so, I realized trying to change myself, brought so much pain, it would be better that I learned to accept my physical appearance. By the age of sixteen, I learned to carry my self with such pride, (not flaunting, but acceptance), that others accepted as well, without the criticism. This relates to self efficacy. The action of how I carried my self with pride, making


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