Leadership interview

959 words 4 pages
I had interviewed about leadership with Lee who is the manager of strategic planning in my company. To sum up the interview, he defined that leadership is causing other people to do what the leaders want. That is, leadership is helping other people to rise to their full potential while accomplishing the mission and goals of the organization.
He also illustrate that in order to demonstrate leadership well, honesty and ethical behavior are key value as best leader. Communication with subordinate employee, confidence in leader and followership, all of these are begun from honest of leader. Other important characterize as a best leader he mentioned is ability to delegate. As leader has no sufficient time and ability to deal with variety of
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When an organization tries to promote a big change or is in a financially difficult situation, the organization needs to use performance-based-leadership. On the contrary, an organization with a solid financial structure is not problem to use people-based-leadership.
Moreover, the book states that good leaders have abilities to build good teams and make good results. It is closely related with his opinion that a good leader can gain high performance and followers’ high job satisfaction. From a short-term perspective good performances are important, however, good performances without job satisfaction would be very dangerous from a long-term point of view. Job satisfaction of followers is associated with their loyalty and commitment toward the organizations. If an organization focuses on only job performance of employees, in the case of crisis, employees are willing to leave their organization rather than remain for revive the organization.
Unlike his opinion that good leaders are born, the book talks about the importance of experience and education in the process of developing leadership through action-observation-reflection (A-O-R) model. The authors argue that in order to be a good leader, leaders should observe followers’ actions as well as their actions, learn the important meaning by observation, and then continuously change their actions in the positive way. I assume that he talks about the leaders who are technically genius such


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