The Strangers That Came to Town

863 words 4 pages
In his short story, “The Strangers That Came to Town,” Ambrose Flack is showing that true freedom is about being accepted. It shows that true freedom is about being accepted because of the way that the Duvitch family is placed in a community where they are not accepted at first but then do become accepted. Mr. Duvitch didn’t talk much to anyone because of lack of freedom to be who he was, Mrs. Duvitch didn’t have the freedom to also be who she was because people talked about her and the Duvitch children to were quiet ones who didn’t have freedom in the sense that they couldn’t just go out and play with the other kids.

Mr. Duvitch gains freedom through the power of acceptance by those around him. At first Mr. Duvitch has trouble being
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Andy’s family brings those kids a freedom to be who they want, to be happy and to enjoy themselves on the night the two families shared a dinner. “I couldn’t believe they were the same timid downcast youngsters one met on the street and saw in school; they seemed to have been touched by a wand” (14). The other kids around the community begin to give the Duvitch family a chance, and begin to include them in their activities, “...and it wasn’t long before the young Duvitches were able to enjoy outside companionship when they found time to play.”(16).

The Duvitch family shows that this story is about freedom and how freedom is gained by acceptance. Mr.Duvitch becomes accepted when people look beyond his looks, Mrs. Duvitch gains acceptance and appreciation for her special skills and the Duvitch kids all become accepted into the community by being apart of activities that the other children take part


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