Term Paper Annual Review

3391 words 14 pages
ADM 505
Title of Assignment
Term Paper
Submitted by:
Diana Caballero
Date of Submission:
December 4, 2014 due (turned in Dec 2, 2014)

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With so many companies confusing the business purpose of reviews, it can be a challenge to turn a review into a positive and productive conversation. It all starts with the right preparation. An informed and empowered approach to the performance review builds confidence and competence. A big pointer in a review is how engaged the employee has been with the company (Wang & Hsieh 2013). For example, I recently attended the Plant Science Team annual meeting in New Jersey (the team that I am part of) and participated in our team activity in Brooklyn, New York. However, I could have opted out of the team activity, like most did. But since I want to be promoted once I graduated and I want to be more involved within the company I attended. If an employee is engaged, means there is the employer directly and actively involved in employee professional growth and success. This means looking for opportunities for improvement and taking steps to improve. When considering your areas for improvement it can be helpful to seek feedback from your mentor, and trusted co-workers. Know where you can grow and you can make the best of your career (Wang & Hsieh 2013).
An effective performance appraisal is not a lecture to the employee by the supervisor. The evaluation meeting should be a two-way conversation; supervisors can enhance the effectiveness of the meeting by employing active listening skills and


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