Sample Grant Proposal

1711 words 7 pages
Grant Proposal
Robert Breedlove III
Faculty: Allison Butler
NUR 465: Population Health: Local, National, and Global approaches
April 28, 2015

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High Emergency Department utilization by homeless individuals has recently been the focus of Kentucky’s Department of Medicaid Services. In a twelve month period, 356,000 Kentucky Medicaid recipients visited the Emergency Department at least one time, 45,000 recipients visited four or more times, and 4,500 visited ten or more times. These individuals, termed “super-utilizers” frequently suffer from multiple chronic diseases, and may have other factors, such as homelessness, that influence their access to alternative healthcare options. Many rely on emergency departments rather than a primary care provider for all or the majority of their care (Kentucky: Focusing on ER “super-utilizers”, 2014). Grant money is being requested to implement two programs at Wayside Christian Mission aimed at addressing altered health maintenance among homeless adults in Louisville, KY, related to lack of knowledge and resources, as evidenced by increased emergency room utilization, and high rates of chronic illnesses. The goal of the first program is to reduce utilization of Emergency Department by individuals residing at Wayside Christian Mission by 5% within 12 months. The program will assess whether residents of Wayside Christian Mission have visited and Emergency Department within the past six months and the reason for the visit, print and hang posters


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