Rehabilitation Paper

1216 words 5 pages
Parole and probation are what gives inmates in today’s prison system the drive to want to better them. This paper will break down rehabilitation in prison and the origin of where it came from. Also we will discuss how parole differs from mandatory release and how probation differs from other forms of sentencing. We will also discuss community corrections and what it means and furthermore, we will critique the current rehabilitation options and if there are better options or solutions that may be used in today’s prison system. Rehabilitation means "to restore to useful life, as through therapy and education" or "to restore to good condition, operation, or capacity". The thought and purpose behind prison has been, throughout history, to …show more content…

Probation can be given in lieu of a prison term or can suspend a prison sentence if the convict has consistently demonstrated good behavior. Probation is the period during which a person, "the probationer," is subject to critical examination and evaluation. The word probation is derived from probatum, Latin for "the act of proving." Probation is a trial period that must be completed before a person receives greater benefits or freedom. In the criminal justice system probation is a particular type of sentence for criminal defendants. The judicial authority to order a sentence of probation is granted in statutes on the federal and state levels. Generally, probation allows a convicted defendant to go free with a suspended sentence for a specified duration during good behavior. Probationers are placed under the supervision of a probation officer and must fulfill certain conditions. If the probationer violates a condition of probation, the court may place additional restrictions on the probationer or order the probationer to serve a term of imprisonment. Both probation and parole involve the supervision of convicted criminals, but the systems are distinct. Probation is ordered by a judge; parole is granted by a parole board. Probation is an alternative to prison; parole is the early release from prison. Probation is reserved for persons convicted of less serious offenses; parole is given to persons convicted of serious offenses. It is only in the last 30 years that


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