Unit 103 Support Individuals with Self-Directed Support

3903 words 16 pages
Unit 103: Support Individuals with Self-Directed Support

1. Understand self-directed support:-

1.1 Explain the principles underpinning self-directed support and how this differs from traditional support:-

The principles underpinning self-directed support and how it differs to traditional support is as follows:-
Right to independent living - If someone has an impairment they should be able to get the support they need to live an independent life.
Right to a personal budget - If someone needs ongoing support they should be able to decide how the money that pays for that support is used.
Right to self-determination - If someone needs help to make decisions then decision-making should involve that person as much as possible
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Processes and procedures can seem under-developed leading to uncertainty.
Staff are concerned about their jobs and roles in the light of self-directed support.
Some fear self-directed support may worsen working conditions for social care staff--especially care workers or families.
There is concern that self-directed support may be more expensive than block contracts (buying social care in bulk so that unit costs are less).
Some may feel the administrative burden of self-directed support is too great.
Users (or carers) do not always want the responsibility of managing their own money/services.
Employment of Personal Assistants (PAs) is not always simple.
Employment of family members may not be easy or best.
Funding allocation systems and the rules on expenditure are not always clear to users and carers
These may not be clear and lead to worries about accountability and blame
Rules vary and change, leading to confusion

2. Understand how to support individuals to direct their own support and develop their support plan:-

2.1 Explain how to use person-centred thinking to enable individuals to think about what is important to them, and how they want to be supported:-

Person-centred planning begins when people decide to listen carefully and in ways that can strengthen the voice of people who have been or at risk of being silenced. Person-centred


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