Globalisation and Facebook

2351 words 10 pages
To what extent does Martell’s concept of globalisation apply to Facebook?

Facebook has undergone through multiple globalisation processes that have been particular identifiable over the recent decades. Facebook has reached over 800 million users worldwide since 2004 (Fowler 2010), and since then, many forms of corporate investment, multinational advertisement companies, and the endorsement of international political deregulation has shaped and expanded what was first a national based phenomenon to an international/global trend (Sassen 2007). The internet and particularly Facebook contribute to the way users interact with distant relatives and close friends; everyone knows what each other is doing across the world with a click of a
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Though despite the low penetration rate for Asian countries, India, according to (Lee, 2012) is Asia’s stand-out success - it has almost 60 million users, Facebook's third biggest country globally. However, this type of success comes at a price. The region is notorious for being the birth place of much of the service's spam and 'fake' activity. Facebook’s recent advantage is when Moscow based digital sky technologies invested $220 million, and has made a deal to extend its stake by offering past and present employees a chance to sell their share (Johnson, 2009). Despite Facebook’s criticisms based on their actual users - fake accounts, suspicious privacy settings, and or unwelcome capitalist ideology. Facebook has managed to recruit many active users globally, which had 5oo million users in 2010 to over 600 million 2011(Lee, 2012) and still has potential to reach further despite its obvious draw backs.
User percentages may be low in some areas around the world but still, its network has extended its self to every continent, and therefore is global in distance. New ways to reach even more people and continents are being established, such as the Asian under-sea cable project (News Technology 2012); inputting fibre optic cables into Japan, South- Korea, Malaysia and Indonesia. This will enable internet access to be easier and accessible to those countries, and then, branch off to others (News Technology 2012). The American


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