“Using the Case Study Provided at the End of the Module, Identify and Explain the Clients Issues and Devise a Course of Treatment for Him, Taking Into Account Any Ethical Issues”.

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In this assignment I intend to explore the issues raised in the case study provided which is about a 45-year-old single man who has worked for the same company for 18 years, a managers post has become available within his workplace and although he has on occasions acted up to the post in the absence of the current manager, he has reservations on whether to apply. He is described as a gentle and caring man who worries about other people’s perceptions of him; he has a mother who is a dominant figure in his life and a girlfriend who he wishes to make a commitment to, but fears the thought of her rejection. The issues I have identified are listed below but I think the most likely underlying factor is that he was subjected to
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One of the inconvenient features of the unconscious mind is that it has no sense of time. Something that occurred their once, with traumatic effect, would keep on happening--is still happening--30 or 40 years later. (Fisher, 1986)
Fear of Failure
Steven Berglas, (Harvard psychiatry professor), held clinical sessions with business people who needed help figuring out what success really is, he said "What we call success may have consequences that you know you don't want," He suggests that if the idea of the next promotion makes you queasy, do a cost-benefit analysis. "Approach it as you would any other business decision," he says. "Weigh up the pros and cons? What will you have to give up getting this? Is it worth it?" Are some losses, such as having to spend weekends catching up with work not worth a new title and a bigger paycheck? If not, say, "no, thanks," Berglas states this is being "rational and adaptive." Berglas also asks “do you have the right personality and the requisite
