Student-Centered Activities for Teaching Vocabulary

3583 words 15 pages
Applied Foreign Languages
English Methodology

Student-Centered Activities for Teaching Vocabulary Student: Emilija Georgievska Academic Supervisor: Senior Lecturer Iskra Stamenkoska, MA

December, 2012 Skopje

Table of contents
Useful Student-Centered Vocabulary Strategies and Activities………………......................4
Applying the Suggested Strategies and Activities at Upper-Intermediate English Class.......9


The student-centered approach in teaching has become very popular during 1970s-1980s. According to Sandra J. Savignon, the impact of
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Thinking of the role that vocabulary instruction has in the language classes, the whole point is not only to broaden the linguistic knowledge of the students, but to increase their level of academic intelligence and to raise their awareness of logical connections between words from different languages. So how can we make vocabulary activities more appealing and effective for the learner?
Some of the steps we as future teachers should follow are the following:
1. Include more interactive reading in class. Reading by itself is a very useful tool, but it doesn’t have to be the dull and annoying activity we all know. Teachers should work on implementing reading exercises in class and try to make students develop an affinity toward it. This can be achieved through engaging the students in a discussion before reading a text so that they are prepared for the new vocabulary and ideas that the text offers. After the reading of a text, students should always be assigned tasks that exploit both the content and the new vocabulary, whether working as a whole class or in groups. 2. New words should always be given in a context. Each lesson we come across a large amount of unfamiliar terms and the only way for the students to memorize at least two new words out of ten is to supply them with examples of how those new words actually fit into the reality. This can be achieved through taking sentences from newspapers, books or the Internet to illustrate


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