Sen in Mainstream Schools

3004 words 13 pages

The purpose of this assignment is to show how a mainstream primary school supports the development of special education needs (SEN) children. It also suggests improvements that could be made to increase the level of attainment in the future. This also includes legislation policy code of practise in mainstream schools, how they support the SEN students, will also look at particular disability which is the autism plus a case study about a child with autism in mainstream school.

To support this assignment and highlight the provisions made to support SEN children evidence was collected from the school and other areas. This also helped illustrate any areas of weakness.

The Special Education Needs Code of Practice (DFES, 2001)
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Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001

This law strengthened the right for special education needs children to have right to an education in mainstream schools.
The Disability Act 2001 contained information stating how there should be a stronger right for SEN children to be educated at a mainstream school. It also provided responsibilities on schools and other education providers to tell parents carers when they are making special educational provision for their child and also to request a statutory assessment. The Disability Act also contained separate chapters on provision in the early years, primary and secondary phases and new chapters on working in partnership with parents pupil participation, working in partnership with other agencies.

SEN and Disability Green Paper 2011
This Green Paper


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