Ana Code of Ethics Summary

903 words 4 pages
There are nine provisions included in the ANA code of ethics. The provisions can be broken into three categories. The first category is the nurse’s ethical responsibilities to her patient which is provisions one through three. Second is the nurse’s obligation to herself, provisions four through six. The third ethical requirement for nurses is related to their relationship to the nursing profession, community, nation, and world overall. This focus is summarized in provisions seven through nine [ (American Nurses Association, 2013) ].
Provisions 1-3
The first three provisions relate to the nurse’s responsibility to treat everyone with dignity and respect regardless of that individual’s background, ethnicity, or the
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According to Mason et al. (2012) nurses have the opportunity to intervene in health care development and can assist in shaping solutions, both as individuals, and as a member of a team through the influence of an organization. There are many scriptures that encourage believers to help support their community and to care for those around them. James 1:27 states, "religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." Caring for those who have needs, as is illustrated by orphans and widows in this passage is a crucial part of showing Christ’s love. Nurses have the unique opportunity to reach out to the community specifically related to health care, and not only is it our ethical duty, it is required of us as children of God.
Nurses have the ethical duty to care for patients through a variety of facets as described by the ANA code of ethics. Treating others with dignity and respect, showing compassion, and developing personal integrity are also mandates for Christians. There are many parallels between the nurse’s code of ethics and God’s expectations of how mankind should treat each other. Nurses have frequent interactions with those in need, often on multiple levels such as physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Following ethical


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