chapter 3

1660 words 7 pages
Chapter 3
In this chapter the research methodology used in the study is described. The geographical area where the study was conducted the study design and the population and sample are described. The instrument used to collect the data, including methods implemented to maintain validity and reliability of the instrument, are described.
Research Approach and Design
Denzin and Lincoln (2000) suggest a different, more complex definition. Their definition, which includes observations, interpretations, and transformations, is as follows:
Qualitative research is a situated activity that locates the observer in the world. It consists of a set of interpretive, material practices that make the world
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Closed-ended questions are easier to administer and to analyse. They are also more efficient in the sense that a respondent is able to complete more closed-ended items than open-ended items in a given period of time (Polit & Hungler 1993:203).
The questionnaires were written in English. The respondents were given the assurance that the answers would not be able to link their responses to them at the stage of data analysis, therefore ensuring privacy. The questionnaires consisted sections A and B. Section A aimed at gaining demographic data such as age, year level, gender and economic status. This information could assist the researcher when interpreting the result.
The researcher collected all the information from the BSA students. Section B aimed at determining the academic performance and family problems of BSA students. Questions assessing effects of family problems on academic performance and action of BSA students on their family problems were included. Instruction guidelines were attached to the questionnaires to guide how subjects respond to the questions.
Data collection procedure
Questionnaires were personally distributed by the researcher to students to complete. The data was collected over a period of 3 days.

Polit and Hungler (1993:445) refer to reliability as the degree of consistency with which an instrument measures the


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