The Livedqualitative Research : Critique . Experience of Having a Chronic Wound

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Qualitative Research Critique
The Lived Experience of Having a Chronic Wound: A Phenomenologic Study
Katelyn Adams
Nursing Theory and Research 390
October 12, 2006

Problem Statement: In my qualitative evaluation of The Lived Experience of Having a Chronic Wound: A Phenomenologic Study, written by Janice Beitz and Earl Goldberg (2005), I found that the need or rationale for this particular study, as do most qualitative research papers, focused on how or what, as opposed to quantitative studies that focus on asking why? The problem statement is: “Approximately 2 million people have
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54). Confidentiality was assured by using code numbers instead of names, and at the end of the study, all tapes were destroyed. Assumptions: From the data collected one can assume that a chronic wound will impact a person’s view of self. One can also assume that a chronic wound will affect a person’s interpersonal relationships. A chronic wound will affect a person’s experience with the health care system (Beitz & Goldberg, 2005). One can also assume that everyone will react to living with a chronic wound as the elderly participants of higher socioeconomic stratum had reacted. Their reactions are assumed to represent everyone, age, culture etc, with a chronic, nonhealing ulcer. Data Analysis: The data collected from this study was analyzed at various stages. After each interview and taping the researchers would come together and findings were shared, discussed and compared for interpretive consistency.
The study also followed Colaizzi’s (1978) suggestion of phenomenological analysis as the researchers read all of the participants’ descriptions to acquire a feeling for what was being said and a sense of the whole. In this study Colaizzi’s suggestions included watching the audiotape multiple times to sensitize the researchers to concealed meanings. The researchers also listened to the participants’ description to depict significant statements and phrases pertaining directly to
