The Benefit of Reading Comic Book

898 words 4 pages
Comic books are probably the most popular form of reading material for young people in Hong Kong. Write an essay comic books which deal with all the following points:
- why these books are so popular
- the advantages and disadvantages of reading such books
- how comic books can be used for educational purposes
Justify your views by providing reasons.
Reading comic books— a relaxing, joying and learning activity
"Spiderman" or "War and Peace"? "Batman" or "Romeo and Juliet"? "Dragonball" or "Antony and Cleopatra"? If taking these questions to ask the secondary and primary school students, I guess that nine out of ten students will choose the Spiderman, Batman and Dragonball. On the street, we can easily see numerous teenagers taking a
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Youngsters may think that violence and massacre can solve all the problems, after reading "Fung Wan". This message are completely misleading and harmful for the teens.

Having said the above pros and cons of comic books, we can not criticize comic books base on the drawbacks of reading comic books only. With the rising trend of comic books, why don't we use the comic books to education? On one hand, government can use the comic books to teach the public. Using comics teach them the basic legal concepts which are related to our daily life — the law about downloading copyrighted material on the internet, for intance. In addition, government can educate public about the road safety too. On the other hand, the school, both primary and secondary school, can use the comic books to support their lesson. Teachers can design some worksheets or textbooks which contain more pictures. Also, teachers can use the popular comics to support their teaching in the liberal studies, ranging from discuss the culture of comic books, insight into why Japanese and American comic can be successful and so on.

Now, the reason for the popularity of comic book, the pros and cons of reading comic books and the using of comic books are comprehensively explained and exemplified. The only problem of reading comic books is that we all have to choose a suitable and right book for ourselves. Reading comic books can have enjoyment, senses of


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