Nvq Business Admin Questions

1244 words 5 pages
L2 Business Administration - Optional Unit Knowledge Worksheet

Work with other people in a business environment

Learner Name: | | Employer: | |

The numbers after each question relate to the assessment criteria in the standards

1. Describe the sector in which your organisation operates (1.1.)
My organisation operates in the Engineering Sector but I work in the office part of the company.

2. Describe your organisation’s missions and purpose (1.2)
My organisation’s mission is to provide an efficient and helpful service to all our customers so that our client base grows.
The purpose of my organisation is to provide people with a good service so the business can develop and grow.

3. Compare you organisation
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13. Describe ways of providing support to other people in a team (2.5)
You can support other people in a team by helping them cope with their work load and helping them if they are struggling with the task given to them. If someone was off sick then helping them catch up with their work will support them.

14. Explain the purpose of agreeing quality measures with a team (2.6)
So that each individual in the team works to the same standards and so that they all put the same effort into the work.

15. Explain the purpose of communicating with other people in a team (3.1)
The purpose of communicating with other people in a team is so that each person can talk through their own ideas and agree which ways best to go about things.

16. Identify different methods of communication and when to use them (3.2)
There are many different methods of communication when in a workplace such as: emails, phone calls, face to face, notes, letters, faxes.
Depending on whether you want the communication to come out in a formal or informal manner will depend on what method of communication you use. If you were contacting a customer trying find out some information a phone call would probably be the best method as its quick and efficient.

17. Explain the purpose of recognising the strengths of others (4.1)
It helps that know what areas they are doing well and what


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