Neurology and Epilepsy Support Groups

2792 words 12 pages
I chose to do my research on epilepsy. I have some knowledge of this sickness and I have found some interesting facts and more information that will help us as we prepare ourselves to become future educators. As we all know we will be faced with many students, and we must prepare ourselves with the terms, facts and the many learning abilities to fit the needs of the children for they our future. The more I continue to prepare myself, I am getting a clearer understanding how children lean and it will be up to me to provide learning opportunities as a teacher. I understand how each student differs in learning and I will be able to create instructional opportunities for diverse learners. Throughout my paper you will be able to understand …show more content…

There are many ways to diagnose epilepsy. Doctors take medical history, do blood test, and use a variety of other medical tests as well to determine whether a person has epilepsy. A test commonly used is called an electroencephalogram or EEG. This test records brain waves. Electrodes are placed on the scalp and brain waves are measured. This test is painless and can be done while a person is asleep. Doctors may also request a brain scan in order to see structures inside the brain. This can be done by MRI, CT, and PET scans. This allows doctors to see structures such as tumors, or cysts. More than eighty percent of patients with epilepsy can have their seizures controlled with medication. After diagnosing the type of seizure doctors recommend a drug that’s available to control the seizure. This depends on the type of seizure, the patient’s age and medical condition. There are some side effects associated with anti epilepsy drugs as any other drug on the market. These side effects are minor and include fatigue, weight gain, dizziness and depression. In some cases of childhood seizures a special diet that is rich in fat and low in sugar can help reduce the frequency of seizures.
