Native Americans and Peyote Use

2200 words 9 pages
For better or worse, many societies of the modern world tolerate certain methods of self-intoxication. Despite the possibility of negative consequences, all the cultures of the world the consumption of substances like alcohol and tobacco are sanctioned under particular circumstances. All societies face the reality that significant proportions of mankind seek to the same time expressly criminalizing others. This irony is made more bizarre by the evidence that a myriad of rich cultural timelines can supply to demonstrate that there is reasonable historical precedence in existence to show the use of alternative forms of drugs being cultivated and utilized.(McKenna)
The concept of an individual person deliberately changing their perception
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(Snake and Smith)
In areas where peyote flourishes, indigenous groups historically view not only the consumption of peyote as sacred, but also the collection of the cactus from which it is harvested. Because it can take as long as five years for peyote buds to reach maturity, their relatively short time frame for cultivation. Small groups go into the desert to collect the cactus in a very practiced and formal way. buttons
Native indigenous communities recognize the powerful potential of these plants that they consider sacred. They use peyote as a counselor when they need to make important decisions. They also use it to interpret dreams, have visions, and look into what may some believe to be the future.
The “Experience”
When Peyote is ingested it is broken down to produce a chemical called Mescaline. Mescaline is an alkaloid that is responsible for producing the hallucinations which Peyote users can experience. It accomplishes this by interacting with neurotransmitters that are located within the brain. Their psychoactive effects generally last around three to seven hours, during which time a user can undergo a wide range of physical, emotional, and sensory effects. In general, about thirty minutes after ingestion is when noticeable changes in aural, visual, and physical senses can occur. Some of the most common effects include: colors perception being enhanced, physical environments


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