"Metamorphosis" Alienation Essay

953 words 4 pages
" Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka
Alienation Essay

Alienation is the primary theme in Kafka's The Metamorphosis. Much of early twentieth-century literature makes as its basic premise that man is alienated from his fellow humans and forced to work in dehumanizing jobs in order to survive. There is no choice for most in this matter.

Gregor Samsa, the protagonist in The Metamorphosis, "awakes" from a "dream" to find he has become an insect. He wonders what happened, and tells himself it is not a dream. I think that is exactly what it is; a dream, or rather a nightmare. I think Samsa's feelings of isolation and alienation, from modern society and family, have caused him to lose touch with reality. Gregor's physical isolation from
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As Gregor’s exile from society worsens, his condition, mentally and physically, does so as well. This shows that society is merciless and has no arbitrary feelings about its victim as Gregor has done nothing to deserve such cruel treatment, and eventually death, from his isolation. The point is that people are steadily beginning to grow too dependent on society and may begin to lose their individuality and humanity. hHYPERLINK "http://apenglishdws.wordpress.com/2011/08/09/alienation-in-the-metamorphosis"ttp://apenglishdws.wordpress.com/2011/08/09/alienation-in-the-metamorphosis. Kafka is trying to make a connection between isolation and what it means to be human. Because Gregor is isolated, he becomes less and less human, and his family begins to view him not as Gregor but as a pest or burden. Being connected with others not only reinforces our humanity but is what makes us human. Gregor Samsa experienced absolute alienation when his sister completely denied his existence. She said to her family, in front of Gregor, "I refuse to pronounce my brother's name, and therefore I merely say: we have to try to get rid of it." (Kafka 47) At that moment Gregor was no longer Gregor, but referred to as “ it.“ Consequently, he went through all the possible stages of alienation, the last being death. Mentally, Gregor’s human qualities vanish


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