How Similar or Different Is the Eastern Notion of Balance in the Human Body to the Western Medical Science Beliefs About the Nature of the Human Body?

1874 words 8 pages
Use this proforma to organise your response to the reflective assessment task. Use the steps as headings and write in paragraphs below the headings; this is not an essay task. All your sources should be referenced using APA style.
Step 1:
Carefully choose one question from the Reflective Learning and Writing section of eModule 1 or 2 to guide your reflection. Write the question here:

2.5 How similar or different is the Eastern notion of balance in the human body to the Western medical science beliefs about the nature of the human body?
Step 2:
Reflect upon and analyse your experiences in relation to the topic of the question from Step 1, using the factors from Willis' (2004, as cited in Germov, 2009, p. 6) sociological imagination
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Flaskerud (as cited by Germov 2009, p. 186) defines cultural competence as “a set of congruent behaviours, attitudes, policies, and structures that come together in a system or agency among professionals and enables the system, agency, or professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.” My view of our interaction with the patient during her stay in hospital was one of open-ness towards her cultural views and beliefs and that the people involved with her care were being culturally competent. I do believe that there could have been a better understanding of how to offer westernised standard of care, in accordance to her cultural choices, and furthermore, I will be aware to acknowledge other options and offer a more suitable option to the patients needs.

Step 4:
Now, building upon your reflections in the previous steps, answer the original question you identified in Step 1, using at least four academic sources (e.g. journal articles, research reports) to support your answer. Locate these academic sources through your own information search.
(600 words; use at least 4 new academic/literature sources)

(Holenberg, 2009) explains that although a majority of today’s health care is biomedical and westernised, many non-biomedical and alternative (eastern) therapies are booming alongside them with attempts to integrate diverse methods into ‘integrated’ medicine and health care. I view this point as one of


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