Cultural Differences and People Management - Ebola Crisis

3845 words 16 pages
Cultural Differences and People Management – BLDE606.2
Cultural Differences and People Management – BLDE606.2

Module leader: Dr Dawn Williams

Seminar teacher: Fiona O’Connor

Student name: Charlotte Marcenac

Student ID: W151350741

Module leader: Dr Dawn Williams

Seminar teacher: Fiona O’Connor

Student name: Charlotte Marcenac

Student ID: W151350741


I. Table of contents II. Introduction III. A module providing a greater understanding of culture self-awareness, through the process of cultural pluralism IV. Reflecting on the political rights of women in France and Saudi Arabia across the concept of
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TOPIC 1: a module providing a greater understanding of culture self-awareness, through the process of cultural pluralism TOPIC 1: a module providing a greater understanding of culture self-awareness, through the process of cultural pluralism

First of all, as an exchange student, I did not chose my modules this year, and because I was abroad, this module was an opportunity for me to learn more about the wide concept of culture and all those components. From the beginning I founded the subject really interesting, and the context in which I am studying allowed me to get more involved. Indeed, when we started the first lecture, we were asked to define what culture is for us, and from this moment I realised that it was really hard to define, because numerous factors (history, geography, religion, education, language…) contributes to culture and many elements are part of it, such as practices, beliefs, values, customs…(Hofstede, 2005). I finally found the most appropriate definition, the one that corresponds the more to culture for me, it is a definition of a famous British anthropologist, named Edward Burnett Tylor and he said that “culture or civilization, taken in its wide ethnographic sense, is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, moral, law, customs and any other capabilities or habits acquired by man as a member of a society”. (Moore, 2004).
Furthermore, during the
