Comparing and Contrasting Grand Theorists

953 words 4 pages
Comparing Grand Theories

Comparing Grand Theories
There are several definitions of nursing theory today. Meleis (2012) defines nursing theory as a conceptualization of some aspect of nursing reality communicated for the purpose of describing phenomena, explaining relationships between phenomena, predicting consequences or prescribing nursing care. Nursing theories have been used and still used today as theoretical framework to guide in nursing clinical decision making and better practice. There are three categories of nursing theories, which include grand theories, middle-range theories and situation-specific theories. Grand theories are broader in scope and more abstract. It includes the mission
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(Meleis, 2012) | A human science consisting of knowledge, thought, values, philosophy, commitment, and action with passion in human care transactions. (Meleis, 2012) | Goal/Purpose of Theory | To help individuals in completeness, wholeness and independence to perform daily activities. | Helping individuals maintain health in order to function in their role. | Conserve energy, integrity, restore well-being and independent activity. | To find meaning in our own existence and experience, including mental, spiritual growth. |

As discussed above, Henderson, a need theorist focuses on assisting individuals with the 14 daily activities to become independent of assistance. Henderson emphasizes on complementing and supplementing knowledge, will and strength of patients to perform the daily activities. The nurse collaborates with the physician's therapeutic plan. He/she provides individualized care and utilizes nursing research as a source of standards for rendering care to client (Group A- M.A in Nursing, 2009). Watson aims at enhancing human dignity by pushing them to find meaning of their existence, encouraging harmony with the environment and self. Imogen King encourages goal attainment. She claims, if there is nurse-patient interaction, goals are set with clear effective communication, then goals are attained. Levine on the other hand encourages advocacy, compassion,


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