Ch. 15-16 Assignment: an Introduction to the History of Psychology, 6th Ed. by Hergenhahn

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Ch. 15-16 Assignment: An introduction to the history of psychology, 6th ed. by Hergenhahn
By Richard Thripp for Prof. John Beltran, PSY 4604 sec. 0W58, Univ. of Central Fla., Sp. 2013
2013 April 11

Ch. 15: 1. What is mental illness? In your answer, include the criteria that have been used throughout history to define mental illness. Mental illness is a condition characterized by emotions, thoughts, or behavior that are substantially abnormal for a given time and place in history (p. 514). Historically, it has been broadly been defined by self-harm, unrealistic thoughts and perceptions (delusions, hallucinations, magical thinking, etc.), inappropriate emotions, and rapid shifts in moods or beliefs. All these criteria compare the
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Another disservice is that it removes personal responsibility from the patient’s life—he or she is no longer responsible for improving his/her situation (p. 503-04).

17. Describe the debate that occurred between members of the Nancy school and Charcot and his colleagues over hypnotizability. Who finally won the debate? Members of the Nancy school believed hypnotizability was perfectly normal, but Charcot believed it was a sign of mental pathology—only those suffering from hysteria could be hypnotized. He also concluded that hysteria is a real disease caused by inherited neurological degradation that is both progressive and irreversible. The debate was polarizing and continued for years, but the Nancy school eventually won when Charcot admitted his theory of suggestibility was wrong, late in his life (p. 509).

Ch. 16: 2. Describe the cocaine episode in Freud’s career. Freud experimented with cocaine in the spring of 1884, finding that it relieved his depression and indigestion, helped him work, and seemed to have no negative side effects. He took it regularly, gave it to his sisters, friends, colleagues, patients, and fiancée, published six articles in two years advocating it, and regretted that a colleague (and not him) became famous for writing a paper about using it as an anesthetic for eye surgery. Sadly, he


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