Bob Knowlton Case Analysis

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Bob Knowlton at Simmons Laboratories
Introduction Simmons Laboratories are in a difficult situation following Bob Knowlton’s sudden, unanticipated resignation. This paper outlines what Bob Knowlton could have done differently and identifies specific ideas about teams, organizational culture artefacts and underlying assumptions and organizational and personal values that could have resulted in a positive outcome. Question 1 Appreciation for honest dialogue amongst his team would have aided Bob Knowlton in ensuring supportive team norms. Knowlton had concerns from the first night he met Fester, yet he remained silent. He neglected to be open and honest with his team and with Jerrold, his boss. Knowlton could have demonstrated
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Question3 Knowlton demonstrates valuing humaneness. He is concerned by the fact that Fester’s “making like a genius” will be rough on his group. He also emphasizes with the effect that Fester’s rudeness, impatience and insinuation of individual ignorance has on team members, Knowlton included. Knowlton demonstrated his values for humaneness when he approached Davenport and Oliver in private. They were the two individuals who seemed to be taking the brunt of Fester’s inhumane actions. Knowlton ultimately had to leave his position as he could no longer stand to see team members whom he respected treaded in an inhumane way.

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Organizational loyalty is demonstrated through Dr. Jerrold’s promotion of Knowlton. Knowlton had been promised by Jerrold that “the sky is the limit for a man who can produce.” Knowlton had been producing and Simmons Laboratories likely would have continued to be loyal to their word and reward him for his accomplishments. Jerrold further demonstrated the organizational loyalty in his concern for his decision to place Fester is charge of another project and the impact that may have on Knowlton and his team. Honesty valued by the organization is demonstrated through Dr. Jerrold’s utter shock upon receiving Knowlton’s resignation. He trusted in the fact that Knowlton was happy and satisfied and that they had a warm,
