Today's Technology

3977 words 16 pages
In today world we use technology for a lot of things. And there are many effects of technology. There are really good ones and really ones. I am not against technology. I love it, I just think you should know the pros and the cons . I will first talk about the pros , than the cons , and finally how to avoid the cons.

Here are some pros of using technology. One huge thing it is use for is education. Study shows that students that grown up with technology have multitasking skills for retrieving information that are more accurate. Another thing that is good for is medical. If we didn’t had all of these technology in hospitals today. We wouldn’t have cured all
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Another thing that is good for is medical. If we didn’t had all of these technology in hospitals today. We wouldn’t have cured all these diseases and types of cancer. And that wouldn’t be good thing.

Now I’m going to talk about the cons. Study shows that American children uses eight hours of media in a day. By using television , video games , and computers. It also shows they most children cant keep up with fast moving and the nature of today’s technology. Which have diagnose some with depression and anxiety at a young age. Another thing its bad for is your brain. It leads you to cancer.

In today world we use technology for a lot of things. And there are many effects of technology. There are really good ones and really ones. I am not against technology. I love it, I just think you should know the pros and the cons . I will first talk about the pros , than the cons , and finally how to avoid the cons.

Here are some pros of using technology. One huge thing it is use for is education. Study shows that students that grown up with technology have multitasking skills for retrieving information that are more accurate. Another thing that is good for is medical. If we didn’t had all of these technology in hospitals today. We wouldn’t have cured all these diseases and types of cancer. And that wouldn’t be


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