The Application of Psychodynamic Theory Through Dream Analysis

2376 words 10 pages
Psychodynamic Theory is based on the premise that human behaviour and relationships are shaped by conscious and unconscious influences and include factors such as internal processes, personality, motivation and drives, and the importance of childhood experiences.
The essay will discuss and demonstrate the application of dream analysis as a counselling approach and the personal and technical challenges associated with using the psychoanalytic technique of ‘free association’. This will be done by analysing my own personal dream from a psychoanalytical perspective
I will identify and describe two of the techniques used in psychoanalytical therapy: 1. Psychoanalytical Technique of Free Association

2. Dream
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And suddenly instead of panicking I was hugely relieved, finally I knew where I was and in what direction to go.
Waves: Powerful, overwhelming, strength, different directions, change, vast amounts of water, energy, life, release, emotional turmoil (117 words)
Waters Edge: Boundary, the end, separation, wet or dry, interesting debris washed ashore. Jagged edges.

Walking towards the house which was still some distance, I felt totally relieved knowing where I was going and completely at peace. Walking, I had this picture in my mind of having found my parents, digging them out of the sand, laying them neatly next to each other, not having anything to cover them with, and then what? How strange that I was going to have to bury them back in the sand where I had just found them? (79 words)
Walking: I don’t like walking, from one destination to another, beginning and end. Separation
Digging: To uncover, to reveal, element of surprise, direction, depth, physical and emotional. Past or present.
Burying/Burial: Cover up, the past, to lay to rest, funerals, death, peace, let go, surrender. Fear. Gone never to come back

It was in his book , The Interpretation of Dreams ('Die Traumdeutung'; literally 'dream-interpretation'), first published in 1899 (but dated 1900), that Sigmund Freud first argued that the motivation of all dream content is


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