Management Reset

3406 words 14 pages
Management Reset
A Personal Summary and Thoughts

The basic premise of Management Reset, as stated in the introduction, is “not about convincing you that organizations need to be sustainably effective; it is a book about how organizations can be sustainably effective.” The book opens with a brief management history that imparts the business, social, and economical backgrounds and well as a basic vocabulary and explanation list used in the rest of the book. We are introduced to Command and Control Organizations (CCOs), High Involvement Organizations (HIOs), and the approach that the book will focus on Sustainable Management Organizations (SMOs). We are given a general summary of the shortcomings of the former two systems or management,
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They should be role models for the leadership, performance, and oversight in the company and therefore must be effective.
While describing the structures for sustainable effectiveness, the book outlines three main concepts: Cisco’s adaptation of the traditional functional structure, the ambidextrous structure, and network organization structure. Each of these three concepts enacts three adaptations: surface area (reducing the gaps between employees and customers), resource allocation (using sustainable practices in all coordinating as well as moving people and money to their most valued position in the firm), and decision-making (the transparency of information is extremely important to the ability to be transparent in the decision-making process). The ambidextrous structure (balancing innovation and efficiency) is designed to address the disconnect between the current performance and need for efficiency and the need for innovation and transformation. They achieve this by using maximum surface area and collaborative capabilities, as well as “independent units.” The key feature of the network organization structure (balancing flexibility and execution) is the ability to reconfigure quickly due to the flexibility while maintaining reliability in effective production. The concept of this structure is shifting the attention from the role of the individual to the relationships and exchanges and the


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