Eymp 2 - Promoting Learning and Development in the Early Years

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EYMP 2 - Promoting learning and development in the early years

For a child to develop and learn there are seven areas of learning and development located in the EYFS which are divided into two groups, prime and specific areas of learning. Personal and emotional development, physical development and communication and language. The prime areas are important as they lay the foundations for a child’s success in the specific areas of learning. He specific areas are learning are Literacy, Mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design, which provide a range of opportunities for children to broaden their knowledge and skills. Personal and emotional development means a child developing skills to be able to make
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An action plan will be made to address any concerns and the practitioner may include other relevant information in addition to the prime areas. The two year assessment must be provided in time to inform the health child programme, this will enable the health visitor to identify a Childs indicial needs accurately and fully at the health review. A EYFS profile provides the reception leader with a detailed picture of the child’s knowledge, understanding and their abilities. All early years providers must complete the EYFS profile for each child until they reach 5 years old as The profile describes the Childs level of attainment at the end of the EYFS and identifies their leaning needs for next stage of school. A copy of the EYFS profile is given to the parents of the child so they are also aware of their child’s progress and so the school can work with the parents to overcome any problematic areas. While in setting a child or young person development is monitored by assessors and recorded. Information about the child must be completed by observations on the child, which means 80% of these observations must be carried out during child initiated activities, this mean that if a practitioner has set up the sand pit for child to play in and one child then decides to take a car and by using his/her imagination to make the sand into a track and race the other cars this would be child initiated activates as the
