Compare and Contrast

1167 words 5 pages
Lisa Fogarty
Eng101 Q
Compare & Contrast Final Draft

Getting a college education is important to some people. Some others may not deem it as important. However, we could all learn from looking at all the possible options that one may have when looking to better themselves educationally, or from life experiences. Getting a college education can prepare a person for the professional work place with knowledge, and experience in the field they choose to enter. It can teach them the important things they will need to learn to be successful. Not going to college is sometimes a better choice for those who do not see the importance of furthering their education. Either way, it is possible to find a good job. The key is
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However, in the end, when you have a college education it is going to make it possible to get a better job. In closing, I asked him what he would tell someone who was thinking of going to college. He replied with this “Do it, but do it at your own pace” The second person I interviewed was a 40-year-old woman named Lesley. She is an office manager at a car dealership, and she did not go to college. I asked the same questions that I asked in the previous interview. “What would you say is the best decision that you made regarding your future?” She answered, “Trying a new career with no prior experience. That allowed me to broaden my horizons” I then asked, “How do you provide for the lifestyle that you have?” Lesley replied “Hard work and a strict budget”. When I asked Joe, he answered the same thing almost. It is hard to provide without any education. Next was, “Do you wish you would’ve been able to further your education?” She replied, “I wish I would’ve. I would not have had to struggle so much to get to where I am today. And I’d be making more money than I am now.” So that again is in agreement that in order to get ahead in the work place, and be able to provide, you need a solid education. When I asked Lesley if she could go back to school she simply replied with a “Definitely” That goes to show you that people who do not go to
