Yerma by Federico Garcia Lorca: Planning the Play

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What type of performance space would you choose to stage the extract you were given from the extract you were given from ‘Yerma’? How would you use set and lighting in this space to communicate the play’s themes to an audience.
Yerma is a play written by Frederico Garcia Lorca, and is set in the 1930s in rural Spain. Yerma has been married for three years and has a desperate need to have children, an idea which her husband, Juan, is against and Yerma becomes the talk of the village. There are a few main themes which Lorca has tried to portray throughout the play which sets the mood throughout the play. One of the main themes that are present throughout the play is the theme of isolation because Yerma feels isolated from the other women in
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Why am I childless? Must I spend the rest of my life feeding chickens and hanging neat little curtains in the windows? Tell me what to do and I’ll do it even if I have to stick pins in my eyeballs.” Around that area would be some sort of metal wire or fencing that would be just about up to knee height and only Yerma could go there for instance in this act(there would be a gap in the back for her to enter through” , whilst she’s dreaming. This area would highlight the theme of isolation, “MARIA: Yes but you’re the only one now who ...”, and also the theme of entrapment since she is kept from the outside world from Juan’s over protectiveness, “YERMA: I never do go out. JUAN: Good. YERMA: I suppose so. JUAN. The street is for people with nothing to do. YERMA (resigned): Of course.” In this area there would be a rocking chair to show her want of a child “VICTOR: This house needs a child. YERMA: God knows it does.” Furthermore in the dream Yerma could be sitting in the chair because upon research I found out that if you are sitting rocking chair in a dream it symbolises a life of ease, comfort and relaxation. She could then fall out of it since an empty rocking chair in a dream represents sadness and that is how she feels without a baby “YERMA (dropping her voice): What you know. Why am I
