Unit 513 Manage health and social care practice to ensure positive outcomes for individuals

10444 words 42 pages
Unit 513 Manage health and social care practice to ensure positive outcomes for individuals

1.1 Explain outcome based practice.
Outcome based care is about putting the customer at the centre of the care service and not prescribing a one size fits all policy. Care should always be bespoke to the customer taking into account their needs and choices. Care should allow the customer to live a fulfilled life, help them identify and achieve the things they would like to do. Outcome based care requires careful planning with full involvement from the customer their relatives should they wish and other health care professionals if required. Teamwork and communication is essential to ensure continuous quality improvement, and process and
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Health and social care is increasingly moving towards outcome-based services. An outcome describes the measurable impact of the service on a person’s life. Every customer has different needs and goals and an outcomes- based service places these at the centre of its delivery, rather than using a one size fits all approach. This represents a major shift in the way services are designed, commissioned and delivered. Along with the way they are evaluated has differed.
Outcomes based approach is used as a means of improving performance, accountability and consistency in a service provision, which can only promote and result in positive changes in people’s lives. A bespoke tailor made care service for every individual that is evaluated by the benefits and positive outcomes in a customer’s life from a general health improvement, or reaching or achieving individual’s targets or goals set. Such as increasing social inclusion and access to the community or reducing pain and discomfort with medication support for instance.
2.1 Explain the psychological basis for well being
Psychological health is important with respect to how we function and adapt, and with respect to whether our lives are pleasing and productive. As the manager of a care service I am aware that this needs to apply to both my staff and customers. General wellbeing does not just mean that we are free from stress,


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