Reaction Paper Eng 125

1063 words 5 pages
Reaction Paper – Fiction: Drama
June 22, 2015

Reaction Paper – Fiction: Drama In the weeks reading, “Death of a salesman”, writing by Arthur Miller, created a scene in which plots a salesman with many problems. The technology that was presented was around 1949 in which no modern computers or emails existed. A salesman had to travel by car on his own to create income for his family and although many salesmen had family to support in cities where they would have to leave for weeks at a time, the salesman would always find time for his or her family. The salesman name is Willy in which his family is mentioned throughout the play. At the beginning his wife Linda, is always very supportive of his views towards his sales career
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He starts drifting into the dreamy past again, reliving the moment when Biff discovered his (Willy's) affair with a woman in Boston. While their dad is busy being detached from reality, Biff and Happy ditch him for two girls. In the last scenes, Willy ends his life by crashing his car to hide his pain from the world and to make his children and wife happy. Everyone goes through different situations but the situations become worse if the problem is stress and dark secrets. The influence in which the writer made to me in his play took place in the stress situation. Being a Military veteran everything becomes emotional but the emotions take place in my head, and I can never explain anything to anybody but myself. Stress lives with my life and me but as Willy did in the play, seeking a new strategy and seeking new ways of improving can be a difficult task. Willy had confidence that he was going to get a new job location but his boss simply fired him, which makes me think society is much like that today where the average man is a slave to his job, and one wrong move can lead him without a job. Basic strategies have been established by Arthur Miller including but not limited to the elements of drama. A good drama included a theme in which the theme is Willy and his struggle. The action part of the play is when Willy decided to talk to his boss in which it leads Willy to kill himself. A plot is included in which the story of Willy’s family


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