Psychology and Infidelity Liberty University

2608 words 11 pages
Emotional and Sexual Infidelity
Liberty University

ABSTRACT There are many ways in which infidelity can be explained depending on what you are reading or with whom you are speaking. Emotional and sexual infidelity is the two most studied forms of infidelity. The cognitive approach to infidelity explains that as our cognition is developing, we are also indirectly learning behaviors that could contribute to infidelity as adults. Infidelity no matter what the circumstances are surrounding it can leave both partners devastated. The circumstances surrounding infidelity can include a broad range excuses. The evolutionary approach to infidelity explains that men are more distressed by their partners committing sexual infidelity, whereas
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The following are cognitive processes that explain infidelity, boredom, perception, opportunity, attachment and exploration, and unmet emotional needs are explained:
Boredom, which is similar to habituation, often has been cited as a reason for infidelity, as extensive evidence indicates that the spouse’s novelty erodes after a period of cohabitation or marriage. Recent data from the Study indicate that virtually all married couples reported a decline in marital satisfaction over time, albeit smaller in couples that express high- (41%) or moderate- (38%), instead of low- (21%) marital satisfaction.
The second emergent cognitive process discussed is perception. As visual acuity improves and perception becomes accurate, infants become more and more efficient at perceiving the environment and opportunities for action. Perceptual competence optimizes in adulthood, allowing for quick assessment of situations that may afford a reward or goal satisfaction, including opportunities for emotional or sexual gratification, which may be in the form of extra-marital involvement.
Bravo & Lumpkin found that in Breakdown of Will, a work based on forty years of empirical research and theoretical deductions; that most individuals have conflicting desires and they tend to choose alternatives that seem most salient in a particular context at a specific moment in time. The work presents
