Prophets: Idolatry, Social Injustice, and Religious Ritualism

854 words 4 pages

PROPHETS: IDOLATRY, SOCIAL INJUSTICE, AND RELIGIOUS RITUALISM I will be honest. I really struggled through this section. I do realize the importance of this subject however; the “feel good” moments just aren’t there like when you read other books of the bible. I mean, idolatry and ritualism are subjects that can be incredibly dry. But when asked to make it parallel to events of today I have found it to be shockingly intriguing. For example, the prophets played a key role in attempting to turn Israel away from its disastrous path of worshipping false idols. I don’t know, maybe it was the fact that they were tangible? I know that easily, the
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Things were done for what seemed to be only show. The priests were there to show the people of the land the correct way to worship but they themselves had become corrupt. Even to the point of taking bribes. If I could ever draw a parallel between a topic in the old testament to the acts of today then this was it. I was that ritualistic person for so long. Dress nice and put on my smiley face on Sunday. Go to church each week and maybe even help out here and there, whenever it was convenient for me. Maybe, cuss a little less and watch fewer R rated movies. There was no real relationship there and I was doing things more to put on an appearance in front of others (look at me, I am SOOOOO spiritual) instead of seeking out God and having a real relationship. Now that I know to seek him first, these things are second nature. After submitting to him I want to go to church, I want to smile and I want to help others. Even when it is not convenient for me.

Hindson, E., & Yates, G. (2012). The Essence of the Old Testament. Nashville: B&H Publishing


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