Legal Issues - Gentura

937 words 4 pages
CadMex Pharmaceutical Memorandum
To: Mr. Jack Brandt, CEO; Kera Sawyer, International Legal Counsel
From: Dan, Vice President of International Business Development
Date: March 9, 20XX
Subject: Current Gentura Status
I would like to take this opportunity to bring everyone up to date on the status of our relationship with Gentura. We have been working in partnership with Gentura a biotechnology company based in Candore since 2007. Candore, a small developing island country in South East Asia, has been under the dictatorship of President Gwendoz since 2004. President Gwendoz, encourages foreign investments into Camdore however, these investments come with some risk. All Camdore international business transactions are subject to the
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My decision to negotiate will preclude the need to suspend our patent, and the sublicensing to local pharmaceutical companies would allow us the rights to royalty payments as the patent holder. I felt that the option of taking legal action against the Candorean government during a health emergency would be view negatively, and could jeopardize future business prospects.

New Government and New Company
Candorean government shows positive change. Democracy has been established, and labor reforms have been implemented. CadMex and Gentura have collaboratively created an international accredited research center call GeneMex. GeneMex, located in Candore employs more than 1,000 research professionals from different parts of the world. In 2014, GeneMex was accredited by the Institute of American Research (IAR). In an effort to guard against infection and the introduction of foreign microorganisms in the laboratories, GeneMex must abide by the IAR rules surrounding clean room standards and male facial hair. All GeneMex employees have signed the employment requirements prior to entry into the laboratory area.

Following Aranian religious custom five employees came to work unshaven for one week, and where suspended for violation of contract terms. The employees have threatened to file a lawsuit on grounds of religious discrimination. After some
