Btec Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 4 P4

1721 words 7 pages
P4,M1–Anatomy and physiology by Sushoma Nahar Syed

My two chosen systems I will be writing about is the cardiovascular system and Digestive system.

(P4) the digestion system
The digestive system is also known as the alimentary canal from the mouth to the anus.
Digestion is a process in which insoluble food is broken down into particles which are made into soluble particles enough to be absorbed and to be used by the body and into the bloodstream. These soluble particles are major macronutrients made up of protein, carbohydrates and fats which are needed for essential maintenance for the functioning of the human body. Nutrients are found in foods- proteins are found in red meat/poultry; sources of carbohydrates include
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Substances which are needed for chemical digestion within the small intestine are taken from the pancreas and the liver. The most common motion of the small intestine is called segmentation.

The organs in which are associated with the small intestine are the liver and the gall bladder, the liver is known to be the largest organ within the human body. The liver plays a part in the digestive system as it produces bile which is a fat emulsifier. The job of the gall bladder is to store and concentrate bile which is not needed for the digestion. The way bile enters the small intestine is until the gallbladder contracts when stimulated.

The pancreatic juice mainly consists of water and enzymes in which break down the categories within the food.

The large intestine absorbs the water from the food which is indigestible and removes them as faeces. In the large intestine the mucosa is thick. There are two types of actions that the large intestine does these conclude contractions and mass movements.

The faeces then is forced into the rectum for excretion through the anus.

Cardiovascular system
The heart lungs and blood vessels work together by allowing red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients towards the body’s tissue and taking away carbon dioxide away. The red blood cells have a special unique shape called a biconcave disc, which have a very flexible shape which can squeeze through


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