Asian American History

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Nowadays, United States is often associated with the term “melting pot”, which refers to the assimilation of immigrants who were initially heterogeneous with their own distinct backgrounds. Corresponding to that fact, racial discrimination has been significantly reduced within “melting pot”, in which people gradually understand the differences between them without aversion. However, back in the past, many Americans conceived of Asians as strangers. They were not willing to understand and embrace the biological and cultural differences that set Asian immigrants apart from Europeans and early Americans. Coolie trade, which brought numerous Asian immigrants to the United States as indentured laborers, resulted in numerous stereotypes of …show more content…

It was clearly stated that Asian immigrants were not to be accepted as part of the majority. As Asian immigrants experienced severe racial discrimination from other minority groups and White Americans, they banded together to create their own enclaves thereby isolating themselves from the majority. Samuel Gompers testified that the Chinese laborer would work cheaper for Chinese employers than for someone from major society, making Chinese owned business to be more competitive compared to others and eventually led Chinese into gradual invasion of one industry after another. In other words, Asian immigrants were strongly united in order to improve their standards of living however they could, despite their lack of citizenship and voting rights. Initially, Asian immigrants not want to conform to the majority culture, instead they wanted to become successful entrepreneurs in order to return home rich. Due to severe instances of discrimination, the willingness of Asian immigrants to assimilate significantly decreased—they would rather remain as strangers, retaining their culture and language by forming their own unions in the local communities, such as, Chinatown and Little Saigon. In real life,
