Sociology- Role of Media

2015 words 9 pages
Role of The Media
By Tess Bugbee

Mass media is the methods of communication, including television, radio, magazines, films, internet and newspapers, that have become some of society’s most important agents of socialization. In this paper I will talk about media and its effects on society today, things such as stereotypes the media portrays, the way media illustrates women and what that does to body images of women. I will also be talking about medias effects on teenagers, and sexualization in the media. Media has always played a huge role in our society. For a long time media was one of the methods of controlling people and leisure. Nowadays media is one of the main part of our lives and our society, because
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The media has been altering the way everyone see themselves and each other. The media is a great source of role models to all members of society. A great number of media role models provides our society negative with negative habits. All types of media are great for news and entertainment, but it also brings many negative habits to our society, making media a double-blind. Body image is the way one sees their own body, perhaps not in the mirror but in their own mind’s perception of themselves. Media is constantly trying to alter the way we perceive our own bodies to be, and what we accept as the norm for a perfect body. Societies standards for body shape and the importance of beauty is promoted by various media. The media links beauty to symbols of happiness, love and success for women. Media portrays these images as achievable and real. Until women accept their body image, they will continue to measure themselves against societies “perfect image.” Media representations of body image contribute to social trends of unhealthy lifestyles. One of the main effects mass media has on teenagers is violence. Aggressive behavior is the first example of violence in the media. I believe that Teens who watch violent movies may behave in an aggressive way towards others for example bullying and fighting in school. This is important because


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