Physical Journeys; Peter Skrzynecki and Related Texts

1900 words 8 pages
Physical journeys also involve emotional and spiritual journeys

A physical journey brings inner growth and development from the experiences a person encounters from a physical transition from one place to another. All physical journeys include obstacles and hardships however they also involve emotional and spiritual journeys along the way. Peter Skrzynecki’s poems “Postcard” and “Crossing The Red Sea” are both examples of an emotional journey within a physical journey. A feature article ‘A Desert Odyssey’ reported by Sue Williams and Robert Frost’s poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ also involve emotional journeys within a physical journey.

‘Postcard’ is a poem by Skrzynecki about the arrival of a postcard for his parents. As Skrzynecki’s
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The title page shows Paula in brightly coloured cultural clothes, happy facial expressions and with no man made objects therefore showing her journey is about self discovery which would include an emotional journey as well as a physical journey.
The word ‘Odyssey’ is emphasised in large, bold, black writing. ‘Odyssey’ is also a classical allusion for Homers Odyssey, an epic journey which includes many hardships and detours, this therefore shows readers the type of physical and emotional journey Paula is enduring. In May 2005 Paula was faced by a large emotional impact while travelling on her journey, when she found out her mother was diagnosed with cancer. This emotional obstacle stopped Paula’s journey as she travelled to Australia to visit her mother. However this emotional obstacle also changed the meaning of Paula’s journey as she decided to use the work across the Sahara to raise money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation of Australia. This therefore shows that emotional impacts that occur on physical journeys can change the nature and direction that a physical journey may undertake.
Listing shows the many obstacles Paula faced on her journey, “had to stop for nearly one month, mother was diagnosed with cancer and husband Gary had enough of both their journey and marriage”. Listing creates emphasis on the


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