Logic and Critical Thinking Midterm

2353 words 10 pages
Logic & Critical Thinking - PHIL-C115-002: MIDTERM-
— P A G E 1 —

1. "Critical Thinking" is another name for logic. | True | x | False |

2. In the broadest sense, _______________, is just any matter that is in dispute, in doubt, or simply "up for review." | logic | | critical thinking | x | an issue | | a premise |

3. Learning how to distinguish between good and bad arguments makes one a better global citizen. x | True | | False |

4. Premises and conclusions are the same kind of statements. | True | x | False |

5. Good reasoning is always fallacious reasoning. | True | x | False |

6. Arguments are composed of: | premises | | conclusions | | reasons and claims | x | all of the
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The best description of an argument is: | a disagreement | | a strongly stated opinion | x | a set of reasons supporting a belief | | a legal conviction |

45. Reasoning by induction is another way of: | beating the odds | | developing new conclusions from old premises | | improving the probability of deductive validity | x | learning from experience |

46. Background beliefs can be | about matters of fact | | about values | | true | | false | x | all of the above |

47. All groups of sentences form arguments. | True | x | False |

48. In real life, arguments are labeled and divided from their surrounding rhetoric. | True | x | False |

49. Reasoning is either cogent or fallacious. x | True | | False |

50. The conclusion of an invalid argument is necessarily false. | True | x | False |

51. One's background beliefs should not be: | acquired carefully and critically | x | ignored | | altered no matter what | | replaced every seven years |

— P A G E 4 —

52. Scientific claims should be accepted: | because they are always true | | because they always work | xx | until relevant counter evidence is discovered | | until one becomes an adult |

53. Denying the antecedent is a form of: | valid deductive reasoning | x | invalid deductive reasoning | | denying the consequent | | all of the above |

54. Affirming


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