Health Care Communication Methods

1078 words 5 pages
Health Care Communication Methods

HCS 320
October 22, 2012

Health Care Communication Methods
As the Communication Coordinator for this national drug manufacturer, today we will need to brainstorm and discuss how we will address the negative effects that our medications are causing to the public. The local news has already started the witch hunt by allegedly reporting that our local mayor has suffered from adverse affects from our medications. How can we address the public regarding this issue without losing business and the trust we created with our investors and our consumers? In today’s meeting we will decide which communication tactic is most suitable for this situation, while making sure that we do not break any
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It is important that we be careful with whatever we chose to say in our press conference regarding the drug manufacturing issues and that we do not reveal any patient names, private information, or breach any confidentiality. After having reviewed all the information I feel confident to say that we will need to use both sets of media for us to make sure we reach all of our patients in a non-alarming but swift way. We need to make sure patients that are using the drug stop immediately. Therefore, we will send our marketing director down to the local news network and release a press conference for our local patients and then in the mean time we will have the technical department start by adding a warning label on our website with links to our Facebook and Twitter page. Additionally, we will need to download and post the video of our marketing director so the patients can have a form of connection to us. This will allow us to connect with the local public and employees, but also allow us to reach nationwide patients. Furthermore, we need to send our employees a memo reminding them that they cannot talk to the press or make any statements to the media regarding this issue. Also, that they cannot release any confidential information otherwise they will be terminated under the HIPAA guidelines


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