Gump Notes

7305 words 30 pages
t's qualitative impairments in social interaction include gross impairment in ability to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level (He says "When I was little, mama kep me inside a lot, so as the other kids wouldn't bother me"), and it does not seem likely that he was motivated to share enjoyment, interests or achievements with other people at least at ages of primary school. His impairments in communication include a delay in the development of spoken language and marked impairment in the ability to sustain a conversation with others, and some of which are unchanged throughout his life ("I ain't too good at long conversation"). His famous line or "I got to pee" can be evaluated as a stereotyped and idiosyncratic use of …show more content…

Before Jenny sets off on what turns out to be downward spiral towards debasement, she speaks to Forrest of her motives. "...I want to reach people on a personal level. I want to be able to say things, just one-to-one." (Gump 1995) However, Jenny's plans for a better society are brought to a staggering halt when Jenny develops a fatal disease stemming from precarious drug use.
Although Tom Hanks (Star in Forrest Gump) affirms that the film was "non-political and thus non-judgmental," the previous examples show implications otherwise. Though the film does take a stand against disability discrimination by shedding some light on the difficulties that accompany being handicap during a callous time in American history, it's motives were generally ambiguous and unclear. Based on the filmmakers unattractive outlook on counterculturalism, his lack of discretion when touching on issues like desegregation and independence, as well as his insensitive approach to the deaths of activists, we can arrive at the following conclusion: the harrowing experiences exposed in this film can be easily discarded as something warranted only by devoted individuals who attempt to foster humanity.

yearning for the positive outcome and his ability to defy the failures by his willingness to persist and try harder.

Forrest Gump could do what he loved to do without
