Concepts of the Discipline of Nursing

1550 words 7 pages
Concepts Central to the Discipline of Nursing
In order to critically examine the concepts central to the discipline of nursing it is important to clarify my understanding of what constitutes a discipline. Nursing literature has led me to understand that a discipline can be, in simple terms, thought of as a field of study with a unique perspective which gives rise to the nature and scope of inquiry of that field and therefore leads to a specialized body of knowledge (Parker, M & Smith, M, 2010). In attempt to cement nursing’s place in the professional world and in an effort to distinguish it from other disciplines it seems imperative that nursing itself agree on the discipline’s most significant concepts. Through early course readings it
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I would be remiss to claim that one concept or another does not fit into my personal perception of what is significant to the discipline as I can see merit and ways in which each has implications for the development of nursing practice and theory. I do however naturally identify with certain concepts while feeling somewhat conflicted by others. For example, in considering the concept of consciousness I found much of it difficult to apply directly to my nursing practice. Despite my attempt at critical analysis my understanding of the concept remained abstract and ambiguous. I was left feeling that if I was having difficulty interpreting the implications of such a notion to the discipline of nursing then how could I relate its’ meaning to personal practice and furthermore how would I share the significance of consciousness with others? The only way in which I could identify its’ application to my personal practice was to view it in terms of consciousness involving all forms of information including “sensation and physiology as well as intellect, emotion and intention” (p. E20). Perhaps as I continue my studies I will gain deeper insight into the relevance of consciousness in nursing. Conversely, I readily identified the concept of health to be integral to my nursing practice. Health is a


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