Casey Anthony Trial

1580 words 7 pages
The Casey Anthony Trial
One of the most controversial and polemic trials of all times since the OJ Simpson trial was the case of Casey Anthony and the murder of her two year old daughter. All the evidences and witness revealed that she was the main suspect in the murder of her daughter; however in 2011 she was found not guilty of this murder due to several different aspects. This paper will inform and provide the reader with detailed information about this case. In addition the reader will find out what was the outcome of this case and will provide the evidence and will summarize the criminal procedures that occurred from arrest through appeal. The elements of the crime and the evidence which prove that she was guilty will be
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Charges were overturned although Casey still had to serve some time for a previous crime she had committed which had to do with check frauds.
Social media played a big role in the defense strategies for the Casey Anthony trial, and the defense had to tweak their defense around that. The Internet has been a tool for attorneys to gauge what people are thinking about many things, such as books, movies, TV shows, and such social information has been used in jury selections.A consultant for Casey Anthony’s attorneys analyzed more than 40,000 negative and positive highly-charged opinions on social media sites and blogs and used them to help the defense form their trial strategy ("Defense Strategy In Casey Anthony Trial Of The Century: Tweaking Social Media Tactics", 2012).Using this defense of strategy entails that the defense attorneys are going to go above and beyond to defend their client. They are using a method that has not been seen in law. By going on these web-sites and all the different social networks available, they are going to get the worlds opinion on things. Using these tools really helped them defend Casey Anthony defense finding new leads and other people that may need questioning.
The day after the prosecution rested in the Casey Anthony murder trial, the defense came out swinging, attacking crime lab procedures to try and discredit one of the most potentially damning pieces of evidence: duct tape found


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