Campbell and Bailyn’s Boston Office: Managing the Reorganization

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Campbell and Bailyn’s Boston Office: Managing The Reorganization
Campbell and Bailyn’s (C&B) Boston Office has long been the leader in market share and sales. This office was also used as a testing location for new organizational structures and new products and services. Changes in customer demand have decreased market share based, so the office needs a restructure. In June of 2007 the Boston office is reorganized under Ken Winston, the regional sales manager into “key account teams” (KAT). Concurrently, the review process is altered in a very odd fashion and Winston does not seem too enthusiastic about this change. Winston is preparing a presentation for the division leadership team and will discuss the effectiveness of the new
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C&B is doing this in order to combat the bubble of mortgage back securities and increase profit margins. The next step Winston should take in the change process would be to “over communicate” and reorganize to remove barriers to change. This case does not note Winston participating in this “over communication” but it could be related to the meetings he has held while describing the change and creating the sense of urgency. Winston should continue to communicate this change in order to create buy-in from his sales people. Callahan would greatly benefit from continued communication rather than Winston agreeing with his points of wanting to move back to the baseline. Reorganizing to remove barriers is seen again with the KATs, the barriers being that the generalists were “jacks of all trades and masters of none”. The specialized securities required a much higher level of knowledge and required the sales people to become specialists. At this point Winston should be finding short-term successes in the creation of KATs, but he is not doing this. If Winston wants this change to be successful he needs to create the enthusiasm and engagement from the Clawson model which can be done with celebrating short-term wins.
With the new performance appraisal process there has been no disconfirming data, no sense of urgency, and no clarity so there is little to no wonder in the fact that there is no
