Benetton Brouhaha - Is Benetton’s Approach to Advertising as Depicted in “Benetton Brouhaha” More Strategic or Structural in Nature?

3761 words 16 pages
Marketing 601 Assignment 1 Benetton Brouhaha

Benetton Brouhaha
Is Benetton’s approach to advertising as depicted in “Benetton Brouhaha” more strategic or structural in nature?
The purpose of this paper is to practice critical thinking by applying elements of reasoning to the article “Benetton Brouhaha”. The question I will answer: “Is Benetton’s approach to advertising as depicted in the article more strategic or structural in nature?” I will approach this question by applying critical thinking concepts with an eye to the established Elements of Reasoning as they apply to the case. I will analyze the “Benetton Brouhaha” by looking at concepts, theories, definitions, axioms, laws, principles, and models; specifically by applying
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This is not the case for the upper-right structural quadrant. 1

The Structural, upper-right quadrant is where we classify activities that are intrinsically motivated and contrary to the interests of shareholders. The benefactor of these activities is society more than the company or its stockholders and they form a structural barrier to corporate action. In other words, these things are good for society but bad for the company stockholders. A wavy line separates the strategic and structural frontiers. This is to say that some actions are not clearly and immediately beneficial or detrimental to shareholders. Martin suggests that these “borderline” activities tend to gravitate toward the structural frontier rather than the strategic frontier. Under pressure from shareholders, innovation in corporate responsibility is often stifled. It is important to note that activities in both the strategic and structural quadrants can become instrumental; move to the civil foundation. Either by mandate, where laws require companies to engage in some activity or by society as expectations of ethical behavior rise.

Globalization Effect on Virtue
Martin suggests that globalization increases public anxiety over corporate conduct. This is to say that it is assumed that as corporations move processes over-seas, concepts that are laws in the U.S. are not regulated in foreign countries. Maybe they are less instrumental altogether and are considered
