Ssci 316 Study Guide Answers

981 words 4 pages
study guide, chapter 1
1. Which is more problematic: acknowledging differences in groups or assigning a hierarchy to different groups?
Assigning a hierarchy to different groups is more problematic. For example if our society were to simply note that different groups are different, without an overt or implied status hierarchy, the issues of inequality would not be as important as they are today

2. Are race and ethnicity the only types of inequality in the US today? diversity in US today is not limited to ethnicity, race – other factors: social class (SES or socio-economic status), education, size of group, religion, language

As defined in this class what do the terms ‘majority’ and ‘minority’ refer to? (understand that a primary
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includes that to understand stratification, we need to consider societal evolution (level of development)
- nature of inequality related to subsistence technology - how a society satisfies basic needs (food, water, shelter)
— subsistence technology impacts degree of inequality & criteria of inequality)

What does Patricia Hill Collins add to our understanding of stratification?
Patricia Hill Collins: adds concept of intersectionality
- intersection of race, class, gender (not look at them separately but recognize they are):
— interlocked
— mutually reinforcing

Are power relationships static? Why? power is not static
- a man working at a low income, low prestige job will have low power at work
- when that same man goes home, his power is likely to increase, especially if the household is based on more patriarchal principles

What does ‘matrix of domination’ refer to there are many cross systems of domination and subordination
- cross over each other
- overlap with each other
- impact an individual person‘s experiences, opportunities
- the concept ‘matrix of domination’ does not end with race, class gender
— other factors such as disability, sexual preference, religion, age, national origin, being homeless

How does stratification impact a person’s life chances, life choices? a person‘s status (minority, majority) impact that person‘s life chances, health, wealth
