Secret life of bees 2 and 3 Questions

1413 words 6 pages
Katherine Liu!
Professor Wolterbeek!
English 1B!

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KIDD DAY #2 (67-135)

1. In chapter four and five the reader is introduced to the Boatwright sisters and their home.
Find passages that provide a physical description of the sisters, the family dwelling and the honey house. What do these passages reveal about the Boatwright family culture?
The first time Lily sees August, she is described as a “tall, dressed in white, wearing a pith helmet with veils that floated across her face…looking like an African bride” (67). Her face is described as
“corrugated with a thousand caramel wrinkles”, her hair “looking flour dusted” and staring with her
“ginger cake” eyes (68, 69).
June has her “hair cut so short it resembled a
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I believe this quote is stating that every living thing needs someone to depend on mentally or they cannot go on living.


This epigraph introduces and underscores the major themes of the chapter stating friendship. Before
Lily left T. Ray’s house, she had no friends and no one to lean on and was slowly dying on the inside with no one to turn to at all. T. Ray did his bare minimum to take care of Lily but it was not enough.
Now that she came to the Boatwright sisters’ house she not only has many mother figures but also friends. She finds out that she and August have many things in common such as the color “blue” and
“peanuts in coke” (140). Lily uses the quote, “Birds of a feather flock together” to explain that she now finally has some friends to lean on (140).


2. What connection can you make between the “black Madonna of Breznichar in
Bohemia”(139), Mrs. Boatwright’s prayer cards (139), Our Lady of Chains, and the “The mother of thousands” (149)?
All of these items are not only religious items but also the “black Madonna” is the same as “Our
Lady of Chains”, and the black Mary on the back of the “prayer cards” (139).

Lily eventually

decides that the black mother Mary is also like the queen bee and “mother of thousands” (149). All of these items symbolize a mother figure and “depend on her to keep it going” (149).


Katherine Liu!
Professor Wolterbeek!
English 1B!

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