
2054 words 9 pages
1. Introduction
Men participate in physical activity for many reasons, for example, fitness, enjoyment and so on. However, they may participate in physical activity irregularly. Finding the reasons why men do not participate in physical activity regularly is the aim of the report. Understanding the difference between married men and single men is the main aim. Qualitative research has been adopted in this report. Qualitative research means the researcher can collect complex information on the research topic instead of using numerical information(Zikumund, Babin, Carr & Griffin, 2013). The follow will show the findings and results.
2. Literature Review
Physical activity is important to people’s life. The benefits of participate in
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Feeling exhausted after work is another reason. Will, 18 years old, said “ I am physically exhausted after work as I am a laborer.” The second reason is lack of motivation. They are too lazy to do any physical activities. They also think they do not need to exercise because they are not over weight. They think is not necessary for them to exercise. They want to be relax so they prefer doing something like watching TV, having coffee with friends. The third reason is Self-doubt. They afraid to make mistakes. Tiny Tim, 20 years old, said “When I am not confident in a situation, I become nervous and make mistakes.” Lack of confidence is another cause of self-doubt. They are too shy to join in and participate in physical activities. The fourth reason is social support. Most of the single respondent need friends to support them. They want to engage in socializing with friends. They think participating with friends is more fun. Some of them do not participate in physical activity because their friends do not participate too. Kris, 22 years old, said “ because they are not the type of people that exercise.” Friends support is an important criteria for single men to participate in physical activities.
4.2 Married Men
There are four reasons which affect married men’s participation level in physical activities. The first reason is lack of time. They have


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