Leon Battista Alberti

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Leon Battista Alberti, born in the 15th Century originally from Genoa was educated at Padua and Bologna in classics, mathematics and Church canon law. He was a typical Humanist and his education also made him well-versed in philosophy, science and the arts. In 1421, he attended the University of Bologna where he studied law, which he did not enjoy. Later on, he obtained a degree in canon Law which then led to his mathematical studies. His book, Della Pittura published around the year 1430 were written to influence both artists and patrons through a combination of technical detail and philosophical discussion on Florentine art. This book is divided into 3 parts, the first relates to perspective and mathematics. The second and third parts …show more content…

There are more different poses between the figures in the background, as we can see Christ being tied up at the column, a man holding a whip as he prepares to whip Christ, two men standing close by watching while the other is sitting on a chair.
Paolo Uccello’s The Deluge, painted around 1445-1447. This painting tells the Old Testament tale of Noah and how he had survived the flood. This art work is painted in Florentine style, the transition between gothic and Florentine. Uccello portrayed naturalism through the clouds, thunder and lightning bolt in the background. He used a kind of plaster, Fresco which dries really quickly, which was why he had to paint one bit at a time. The orthogonal lines of both arks create the one point perspective characteristic of Uccello. Two further orthogonals are created by the ladder floating in the water. These two scenes consist of the two different views of the ark, one from the side and one from the end and each scene has their own vanishing point, and to help emphasize the effect, foreshortening is used on the figures as they get further into the distance. Uccello’s interest in perspective is also seen by the hat, ‘mazzochio’ which was drawn in perspective. This is seen on the neck of the second figure on the left and on the head of the woman in the centre. Just like Alberti had suggested, Uccello had painted people of all ages, from baby to an adult, to create a variety.
Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper
